Showing posts with label ROM Download. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ROM Download. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How to change the Chinese language to English,German and other languages.

How to change the Chinese language to English,German and other languages.

1,run "settings"

2,click "Language&input"

3,click "Language"

4,Select English or Deutsch

Monday, April 14, 2014

How to root UMI X3

How to root UMI X3

1,download 360 onekey root tool and install it in your PC,

2,open "usb debug" and "unknown sources"

3,connect your smartphone with your PC, run 360 onekey root

4, it is rooted if you can see SuperSU in your smartphone.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How to root UMI X1 PRO and delete bloatware inside

How to root UMI X1 PRO and delete bloatware inside

1, install Framaroot-v1.9.1cn.apk, you can download it 

2,run Framaroot

3,click "Barahir"

4,reboot your umi x1 pro

5,now you can delete whatever you want.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

ThL T100s MTK6592 Root + Instructions (Working on 02.01.2014 Firmware)

ThL T100s MTK6592 Root + Instructions (Working on 02.01.2014 Firmware)

I Found The Way To Root THL T100s

So i Attach The Files You Need And Instructions In The File . !!!!



Phone Side

Open USB debugging from settings/Developer options
Open Unknown sources from settings/Security

PC Side

1 : Run AdbDriverInstaller and press Install
wait untill drivers are installed and Device status is OK

2 : Run Root.exe in vroot folder it will install and update the program..
then when the program is ready it will open on your phone a program leave
it open and check again your PC it shall have a green button with name ROOT .
Press it to start the root

3 : Wait and it will start loading .
Look at your phone , it will ask to install some
applications (mtk camera).
Allow them to be installed and keep waiting

4 : The Phone Will Restart Many Times 4-5 . Wait untill it opens .

5 : After Some Time At Your PC it will ask you to press restore at your phone
(do not be alerted if it does not show it my phone did not show it so i let it continue )

6 : It Will End , The Phone Will Restart Again And Then You Will Have Root Access

7 : The Root Application Is Called Kinguser ...
*tip download and install from playstore the application root checker and check if you have correct root

You can freely un-install the application that was installed during this rooting the (chinese one)

* During the root process your phone will display a message asking if you really want to install mtk camera
which is the app that the root exploit is contained in.
If you accept, v root will root your phone.
You can research mtk camera, but as far as I can tell this is simply the app that includes the exploit.
At any rate you will need to be cautious with anything you install on your PC or phone.

With great power comes great responsibility

I Am Not Responsible For Any Phone Damages

This Is Just A Guide What I Did And Worked
So i Can Help Other Who Want To Root

If you Are Looking For ROOT you know what
and why This Guide Is HERE !!!

Dragons Ahead CARE

1. You can turn your smartphone into a brick.
2. Your phone warranty turns void.
3 Malware can easily breach your mobile security


Thursday, January 23, 2014

[ROM] iNew V3 Ultimate v1.0.4 - 3.5GB internal/rooted/full touch CWM

This firmware is based on V3-E Stock 1.0.4 from 17-JAN-2014 with working OTG

ROM Includes
- Rooted
- 3.5GB internal storage / 10.5GB phone storage
- Newest FULL Touch Recovery CWM This recovery is safe to factory
reset with. It won't format /system unless you select option 1.
- Boot sound bye-bye
- 2 Chinaware removed - smsreg and sharedstoragebackup
- Root Explorer app included as part of /system

Otherwise the ROM is completely stock. No add-on junk.

- Standard CWM 5.5
- Stock recovery
- EBR for 6.0GB internal storage / 8GB phone storage
- Stock EBR
- Full scatter (for flashing USRDATA and CACHE if needed)
- Full expiremental scatter (if any errors when trying to flash, please try to use this scatter instead)

To use these, just direct SP Flash Tool to the corresponding files in the 'Extras' folder.


- (Optional) Backup apps and data with Titanium, or with CWM that has the option to restore /data only - Note: For those who want to try it, you can just wipe /cache and dalvik instead of factory reset at the end. This firmware won't flash over your /data, but not wiping /cache after the install will likely cause an issue with boot. If you want you can do try this (Flash firmware > boot into recovery > wipe cache and dalvik only > reboot). You must be using the 3.5GB EBR on your current ROM for this to work. If you're using stock EBR or any other EBR on your current ROM, you must factory reset at the end.

- In SP Flash Tools, select 'scatter loading' and choose the scatter in '!Files_To_Flashtool' folder extracted from the ROM download
- Turn off phone
- In SP Flash Tools, Click FIRMWARE -> UPGRADE. If you want to leave your current recovery/EBR or anything else unflashed, then unselect what you want left alone and use 'DOWNLOAD' instead of FIRMWARE UPGRADE.
- Connect phone - If the ROM upgrade doesn't start, remove your battery for a second, then put it back.
- Boot into recovery and factory reset
- (Optional) Restore apps and data with Titanium or 'Advanced restore' /data only with CWM recovery. Do not do a full CWM restore, you will lose your new firmware and be back to where you started.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

ROM Mobile EFOX SMART E4 – ROM Android 4.2.1 DOWNLOAD

ROM Mobile EFOX SMART E4 – ROM Android 4.2.1

Description(you can download it from here)
ROM Mobile EFOX SMART E4 – ROM Android 4.2.1
ROM Official EFOX SMART E4 Version: SMART-E4_V1.0_V01_2013-11-18_11:30:04
CPU MT6589 1.2Ghz Quad Core -1280×720 IPS – Dual SIM
Gapps include – No Rooted
Language support: Multilang
Install ROM:
  • Unpack FlashTools, and Click on Flash_tool.exe
  • Select a the MT6589_Android_scatter_emmc.txt in ROM
  • Wait file to be added into Flash Tool
  • choose Option->USB Model,click USB Model
    -> Choose Option->DA DownLoad All->Speed->High Speed, click High Speed
  • Turn off your phone, remove the battery.
  • “Press F9 (hit Download button)” OR ” if upgrade ROM Firmware->Upgrade “
  • and connect your phone into the computer via USB data cable.
  • The process will start and a red progress bar will appear after color purple, yellow.
  • And green circles display
  • Finish !
  • You can now safely disconnect your phone and turn it on.
Check this site. You will find all you need.