The seller:
My order was ordered at I've choose for a european in stock version of Cube U30GT2.
Order was placed on @CooliCool on Friday 1 November 2013.
Once the order has been placed he has ask an european location (in this case Germany) to ship the package to me.
I've got then my trace number on Wednesday the 6 November 2013.
And finally today I've receive the package on Thursday 7 November 2013.
Because it was shipped on EU stock, there was NO duty cost on this tab.
Here is the url and it cost 222.82 euro:
if you order them from China stock it will cost 188,66 euro (but you may have duty cost when come into Europe. Mine previous tab got around 45 Euro tax so it depends if you want to take that risk or not):
Some information about the package:
It was just the box of Cube u30GT2 with some bubble paper over. And because the EU charger is different then the one in china, they had just put the charger outside the box but also use with bubble paper pack them over.
Review about the tab and compare will be posted later on the day in the Cube u30GT2 section:
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